It would be later in life before I came to understand how horses would help me heal, and the Life Path they would launch for me.

I was sent a great teacher in the form of a beautiful gelding who opened my heart and my mind to many wonderful things in the years we knew each other. In a lot of ways, he saved my life. 

In the years since, I have studied horse psychology and horsemanship with many of the country’s finest horsemen. 

Along the way, I became a Reiki Master & Instructor, an Animal Communicator/Intuitive and Instructor, a certified Equine Assisted Coach/Facilitator, an author, a Master Law of Attraction Practitioner, and, most recently, a Certified Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate.

I have almost 30 years' experience in distance healing, telepathy, and Reiki healing.

Early on while practicing Reiki, I discovered that I was receiving messages in the form of words, colors or pictures during every session - both human and animal. I am constantly thrilled to receive them and I have pursued a course of study in animal communication.

After the transition of one of my favorite equines, I wanted to find a way to honor him so I began taking used horseshoes and creating memorials with horsehair. I had no idea that would develop into a cottage business of making embellished horseshoes, saddle/bridle/halter charms, rearview mirror charms, keychains, and gifts for all purposes.

It is truly my honor to craft one of a kind memorials for our beloveds.

*For assistance with Animal Communication, Animal Reiki, Animal Hospice and end of life transitions for your animals, please visit my website at


"There are no words for the loss of a true and faithful horse"

Buck's Daidream Believer: affectionately known around the world as The Blonde Bombshell 

5/1/1996 - 12/29/2022